Alt-Codes vs. HTML-Code

Symbol ALT-Code HTML-Code Bezeichnung
Alt + 1 ☺ White smiling face
Alt + 2 ☻ Black smiling face
Alt + 3 ♥ Heart suit
Alt + 4 ♦ Diamond suit
Alt + 5 ♣ Club suit
Alt + 6 ♠ Spade suit
Alt + 7 • Bullet
Alt + 8 ◘ Inverse bullet
Alt + 9 ○ White circle
Alt + 10 ◙ Inverse white circle
Alt + 11 ♂ Male sign
Alt + 12 ♀ Female sign
Alt + 13 ♪ Eighth note
Alt + 14 ♫ Beamed eighth notes
Alt + 15 ☼ White sun with rays
Alt + 16 ► Black right-pointing pointer
Alt + 17 ◄ Black left-pointing pointer
Alt + 18 ↕ Up down arrow
Alt + 19 ‼ Double exclamation mark
Alt + 20 ¶ Paragraph sign
§ Alt + 21 § Section sign
Alt + 22 ▬ Black rectangle
Alt + 23 ↕ Up down arrow
Alt + 24 ↑ Upwards arrow
Alt + 25 ↓ Downwards arrow
Symbol ALT-Code HTML-Code Beschreibung
Alt + 26 → Rightwards arrow
Alt + 27 ← Leftwards arrow
Alt + 28 ∟ Right angle
Alt + 29 ↔ Left right arrow
Alt + 30 ▲ Black up-pointing triangle
Alt + 31 ▼ Black down-pointing triangle
  Alt + 32   SPACE
! Alt + 33 ! Exclamation mark
" Alt + 34 &#34 Quotation mark
# Alt + 35 &#35 Number sign
$ Alt + 36 &#36 Dollar sign
% Alt + 37 &#37 Percent sign
& Alt + 38 &#38 Ampersand
' Alt + 39 &#39 Apostrophe
( Alt + 40 &#40 Left parenthesis
) Alt + 41 &#41 Right parenthesis
* Alt + 42 &#42 Asterisk
+ Alt + 43 &#43 Plus sign
, Alt + 44 &#44 Comma
- Alt + 45 &#45 Minus sign
. Alt + 46 &#46 Decimal point
/ Alt + 47 &#47 Slash
0 Alt + 48 &#48 Digit zero
1 Alt + 49 &#49 Digit one
2 Alt + 50 &#50 Digit two
Symbol ALT-Code HTML-Code  
3 Alt + 51 &#51 Digit three
4 Alt + 52 &#52 Digit four
5 Alt + 53 &#53 Digit five
6 Alt + 54 &#54 Digit six
7 Alt + 55 &#55 Digit seven
8 Alt + 56 &#56 Digit eight
9 Alt + 57 &#57 Digit nine
: Alt + 58 &#58 Colon
; Alt + 59 &#59 Semicolon
< Alt + 60 &#60 Less-than sign
= Alt + 61 &#61 Equals sign
> Alt + 62 &#62 Greather-than sign
? Alt + 63 &#63 Question mark
@ Alt + 64 &#64 At sign
A Alt + 65 &#65 Latin Letter A
B Alt + 66 &#66 Latin Letter B
C Alt + 67 &#67 Latin Letter C
D Alt + 68 &#68 Latin Letter D
E Alt + 69 &#69 Latin Letter E
F Alt + 70 &#70 Latin Letter F
G Alt + 71 &#71 Latin Letter G
H Alt + 72 &#72 Latin Letter H
I Alt + 73 &#73 Latin Letter I
J Alt + 74 &#74 Latin Letter J
K Alt + 75 &#75 Latin Letter K
Symbol ALT-Code HTML-Code Beschreibung
L Alt + 76 &#76 Latin Letter L
M Alt + 77 &#77 Latin Letter M
N Alt + 78 &#78 Latin Letter N
O Alt + 79 &#79 Latin Letter O
P Alt + 80 &#80 Latin Letter P
Q Alt + 81 &#81 Latin Letter Q
R Alt + 82 &#82 Latin Letter R
S Alt + 83 &#83 Latin Letter S
T Alt + 84 &#84 Latin Letter T
U Alt + 85 &#85 Latin Letter U
V Alt + 86 &#86 Latin Letter V
W Alt + 87 &#87 Latin Letter W
X Alt + 88 &#88 Latin Letter X
Y Alt + 89 &#89 Latin Letter Y
Z Alt + 90 &#90 Latin Letter Z
[ Alt + 91 &#91 Left square bracket
\ Alt + 92 &#92 Backslash
] Alt + 93 &#93 Right square bracket
^ Alt + 94 &#94 Circumflex accent
_ Alt + 95 &#95 Low line
` Alt + 96 &#96 Grave accent
a Alt + 97 &#97 Latin letter a
b Alt + 98 &#98 Latin letter b
c Alt + 99 &#99 Latin letter c
d Alt + 100 &#100 Latin letter d
Symbol ALT-Code HTML-Code Beschreibung
e Alt + 101 &#101 Latin letter e
f Alt + 102 &#102 Latin letter f
g Alt + 103 &#103 Latin letter g
h Alt + 104 &#104 Latin letter h
i Alt + 105 &#105 Latin letter i
j Alt + 106 &#106 Latin letter j
k Alt + 107 &#107 Latin letter k
l Alt + 108 &#108 Latin letter l
m Alt + 109 &#109 Latin letter m
n Alt + 110 &#110 Latin letter n
o Alt + 111 &#111 Latin letter o
p Alt + 112 &#112 Latin letter p
q Alt + 113 &#113 Latin letter q
r Alt + 114 &#114 Latin letter r
s Alt + 115 &#115 Latin letter s
t Alt + 116 &#116 Latin letter t
u Alt + 117 &#117 Latin letter u
v Alt + 118 &#118 Latin letter v
w Alt + 119 &#119 Latin letter w
x Alt + 120 &#120 Latin letter x
y Alt + 121 &#121 Latin letter y
z Alt + 122 &#122 Latin letter z
{ Alt + 123 &#123 Left curly bracket
| Alt + 124 &#124 Vertical line
} Alt + 125 &#125 Right curly bracket
Symbol ALT-Code HTML-Code Beschreibung
~ Alt + 126 &#126 Tilde
 Alt + 127 &#127 Delete
Ç Alt + 128 &#199; Capital C with cedilla
ü Alt + 129 &#252; Lowercase u with umlaut
é Alt + 130 &#233; Lowercase e with acute
â Alt + 131 &#226; Lowercase a with circumflex
ä Alt + 132 &#228; Lowercase a with umlaut
à Alt + 133 &#224; Lowercase a with grave
å Alt + 134 &#229; Lowercase a with ring above
ç Alt + 135 &#231; Lowercase c with cedilla
ê Alt + 136 &#234; Lowercase e with circumflex
ë Alt + 137 &#235; Lowercase e with umlaut
è Alt + 138 &#232; Lowercase e with grave
ï Alt + 139 &#239; Lowercase i with umlaut
î Alt + 140 &#238; Lowercase i with circumflex
ì Alt + 141 &#236; Lowercase i with grave
Ä Alt + 142 &#196; Capital A with umlaut
Å Alt + 143 &#197; Capital A with ring above
É Alt + 144 &#201; Capital E with acute
æ Alt + 145 &#230; Lowercase ae
Æ Alt + 146 &#198; Capital AE
ô Alt + 147 &#244; Lowercase o with circumflex
ö Alt + 148 &#246; Lowercase o with umlaut
ò Alt + 149 &#242; Lowercase o with grave
û Alt + 150 &#251; Lowercase u with circumflex
Symbol ALT-Code HTML-Code Beschreibung
ù Alt + 151 &#249; Lowercase u with grave
ÿ Alt + 152 &#255; Lowercase y with umlaut
Ö Alt + 153 &#214; Capital O with umlaut
Ü Alt + 154 &#220; Capital U with umlaut
¢ Alt + 155 &#162; Cent sign
£ Alt + 156 &#163; Pound sign
¥ Alt + 157 &#165; Yen sign
Alt + 158 &#8359; Peseta sign
ƒ Alt + 159 &#402; Lowercase f with hook
á Alt + 160 &#225; Lowercase a with acute
í Alt + 161 &#237; Lowercase i with acute
ó Alt + 162 &#243; Lowercase o with acute
ú Alt + 163 &#250; Lowercase u with acute
ñ Alt + 164 &#241; Lowercase n with tilde
Ñ Alt + 165 &#209; Capital N with tilde
ª Alt + 166 &#170; Feminine ordinal indicator
º Alt + 167 &#186; Masculine ordinal indicator
¿ Alt + 168 &#191; Inverted question mark
Alt + 169 &#8976; Reversed not sign
¬ Alt + 170 &#172; Not sign
½ Alt + 171 &#189; Vulgar fraction one half
¼ Alt + 172 &#188; Vulgar fraction one quarter
¡ Alt + 173 &#161; Inverted exclamation mark
« Alt + 174 &#171; Left-pointing double angle quotation mark
» Alt + 175 &#187; Right-pointing double angle quotation mark
Symbol ALT-Code HTML-Code Beschreibung
Alt + 176 &#9617; Light shade
Alt + 177 &#9618; Medium shade
Alt + 178 &#9619; Dark shade
Alt + 179 &#9474; Box drawings light vertical
Alt + 180 &#9508; Box drawings light vertical and left
Alt + 181 &#9569; Box drawings light vertical single and left double
Alt + 182 &#9570; Box drawings light vertical double and left single
Alt + 183 &#9558; Box drawings down double and left single
Alt + 184 &#9557; Box drawings down single and left double
Alt + 185 &#9571; Box drawings double vertical and left
Alt + 186 &#9553; Box drawings double vertical
Alt + 187 &#9559; Box drawings double down and left
Alt + 188 &#9565; Box drawings double up and left
Alt + 189 &#9564; Box drawings up double and left single
Alt + 190 &#9563; Box drawings up single and left double
Alt + 191 &#9488; Box drawings light down and left
Alt + 192 &#9492; Box drawings light up and right
Alt + 193 &#9524; Box drawings light up and horizontal
Alt + 194 &#9516; Box drawings light down and horizontal
Alt + 195 &#9500; Box drawings light vertical and right
Alt + 196 &#9472; Box drawings light horizontal
Alt + 197 &#9532; Box drawings light vertical and horizontal
Alt + 198 &#9566; Box drawings vertical single and right double
Alt + 199 &#9567; Box drawings vertical double and right single
Alt + 200 &#9562; Box drawings double up and right
Symbol ALT-Code HTML-Code Beschreibung
Alt + 201 &#9556; Box drawings double down and right
Alt + 202 &#9577; Box drawings double up and horizontal
Alt + 203 &#9574; Box drawings double down and horizontal
Alt + 204 &#9568; Box drawings double vertical and right
Alt + 205 &#9552; Box drawings double horizontal
Alt + 206 &#9580; Box drawings double vertical and horizontal
Alt + 207 &#9575; Box drawings up single an horizontal double
Alt + 208 &#9576; Box drawings up double an horizontal single
Alt + 209 &#9572; Box drawings down single an horizontal double
Alt + 210 &#9573; Box drawings down double an horizontal single
Alt + 211 &#9561; Box drawings up double and right single
Alt + 212 &#9560; Box drawings up single and right double
Alt + 213 &#9554; Box drawings down single and right double
Alt + 214 &#9555; Box drawings down double and right single
Alt + 215 &#9579; Box drawings vertical double and horizontal single
Alt + 216 &#9578; Box drawings vertical single and horizontal double
Alt + 217 &#9496; Box drawings light up and left
Alt + 218 &#9484; Box drawings light down and right
Alt + 219 &#9608; Full block
Alt + 220 &#9604; Lower half block
Alt + 221 &#9612; Left half block
Alt + 222 &#9616; Right half block
Alt + 223 &#9600; Upper half block
α Alt + 224 &#945; Greek small letter alpha
ß Alt + 225 &#223; Latin small letter sharp s
Symbol ALT-Code HTML-Code Beschreibung
Γ Alt + 226 &#915; Greek capital letter gamma
π Alt + 227 &#960; Greek small letter pi
Σ Alt + 228 &#931; Greek capital letter sigma
σ Alt + 229 &#963; Greek small letter sigma
µ Alt + 230 &#181; Micro sign
τ Alt + 231 &#964; Greek small letter tau
Φ Alt + 232 &#934; Greek capital letter phi
Θ Alt + 233 &#920; Greek capital letter theta
Ω Alt + 234 &#937; Greek capital letter omega
δ Alt + 235 &#948; Greek small letter delta
Alt + 236 &#8734; Infinty
φ Alt + 237 &#966; Greek small letter phi
ε Alt + 238 &#949; Greek small letter epsilon
Alt + 239 &#8745; Intersection
Alt + 240 &#8801; Identical to
± Alt + 241 &#177; Plus-minus sign
Alt + 242 &#8805; Greather-than or equal to
Alt + 243 &#8804; Less-than or equal to
Alt + 244 &#8992; Top half integral
Alt + 245 &#8993; Bottom half integral
÷ Alt + 246 &#247; Division sign
Alt + 247 &#8776; Almost equal to
° Alt + 248 &#176; Degree sign
Alt + 249 &#8729; Bullet operator
· Alt + 250 &#183; Middle dot
Alt + 251 &#8730; Square root
Alt + 252 &#8319; Superscript latin small letter n
² Alt + 253 &#178; Superscript two
Alt + 254 &#9632; Black square
  Alt + 255 &#160; No-break space
Alle angaben ohne Gewähr

Letzte Änderung 25 Jan. 2018  1,738 Aufrufe